Last Wednesday I woke up with a runny nose. Looking at the pollen counts, and the fact that I hadn't been taking my allergy meds for weeks (oopsies), it was easy for me to connect the dots that my allergies were acting up. While I was typing at my laptop that morning, my nose started to run so profusely that I hardly made it to the tissue box in time. YIKES! I started sneezing that afternoon and my coteacher Molly and I lamented having bad allergies in this heat. One of our students was also sneezing and noticeably sick. He said he gets bad allergies too. We all laughed that we would be the sniffly ones in the class. Well, for me, it wasn't allergies. I was set to have a friend over for wine on the deck and I wanted to be "triple sure" I wasn't spreading anything. But I didn't expect the Covid test to be positive. As soon as the moisture hit the test line, it darkened immediately. I was shocked. I said some choice words as I grappled with the reality that aft...