I am so thrilled to be 22 weeks pregnant!! Just a few weeks ago I didn't know if we'd make it this far. We only have two weeks to go to viability! 🙏🙏
Right now I don't have any cravings, but my nausea is completely gone, so my appetite is back. I literally gained three pounds last week... I definitely need to slow it down on the cookies. We've been home for the shutdown since March 13th, so having 24/7 access to my cookies and sweets has definitely NOT been helping my healthy pregnancy goals.
My subchorionic hemorrhage seems to have slowed down recently. I'm not cramping or as uncomfortable as I was a few weeks ago. I definitely feel like the daily magnesium helps, if I don't drink my natural calm in the morning I am sore by 1:00 or 2:00.
Samuel is still a very active baby! There are times that he kicks me so hard that it tickles and I laugh out loud. I tend to wake up every morning at about 2:30 to go to the bathroom, and some mornings he is so active, bouncing about that I can't get back to sleep until about 4:00. My nickname for him should be JB, because he is my little jumping bean!!
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