Had a great appointment at Dr Hodor's today. Samuel looked great!! I was nervous because of my bleeding this week but everything looked okay!
Here are my questions and notes:
How many clots and how big? Just 1 8x3x5cm
Fluid level? 14 AFI
Placenta, clotting and the edges are okay? GOOD all good
Blood flow in the cord?
Is the cord near the clots? No.
Is placenta near the sch? Yes but not touching
How big is baby/ arithmetic ultrasound age? 29w1d 3lb 2oz
How long is cervix? 4.9
How often to monitor? What to monitor? Non stress tests, check placenta and cord for clots? Super anxious!!
Will monitor every two weeks with OB appointments in between
What are the risks now in third trimester? Placental abruption. PPROM but he believes I am in a safe zone of the pregnancy.
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