Sam has had hand foot and mouth for awhile. I guess he had a fever on Monday the 18th. But then no other symptoms. But by Wednesday he was drooling like crazy and miserable. Thursday night he woke up every 45 minutes! He slept poorly for another 5 or 6 nights. Even now, two weeks later, his sleep patterns are disrupted. He was always such a good little sleeper. I'd put him down at 7 and then not a peep til 530, unless he was sick or teething.
Now I put him down but he doesn't settle. I have to go back up. He usually still needs tylenol to sleep. And he still wakes up a couple times through the night. Poor baby boy.
I caught hand foot and mouth from him. So for me it popped up a week after him. First I had the fever, then two days later the mouth sores. They were under my tongue and they hurt so bad I could hardly talk. Then my throat. That was awful. I am so glad to be past that.
Right now it is 3:30. I've been up since 2:20. First it was Liam who couldn't sleep. Gave hum zyrtec (he has bad sniffly allergies) and got him settled. Then Sam woke up. Got Sam down; Liam needed me again. Then Sam started wailing (he's been congested for a few days). Got Sam Tylenol and now I'm holding him.
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